Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Dash of Mischief :-P

Quite often I get driven to a trance when nostalgia hits me hard. But that, which hits me the hardest, is the good old memories of my school. I had been a hosteller all through, and yet, hadn’t done any remarkable fun-job all this while. Once, all my friends were sitting in the dormitory with their eyes wide open, in the middle of the night, in the last year of my school. All of us were upset with the way our new warden did things. The latest catalyst to fan our disappointment was that we had been forbidden to hang our clothes out on the railing. The warden had thrown away our washed clothes off the railing as a statutory-warning to the new rule. The saddest thing was, her clothes nicely lay on the railing, sneering at our now dirty, fallen clothes. It was 02:00 AM when along with my friends, I quietly approached the warden’s room. We conjectured that ma’am must be fast asleep, at a time when only owls were awake. And taking the better of the chance, we silently picked up her towel and track-pant, and got them to our dorm; mopped the floor with them and then, hung them back in place. The next morning we could actually draw a similarity between the red-rising-sun and the warden’s face!


  1. I can vry well connect to wht you mst have done ....cozz we were also sitting by anthr RAVANA of our age ;)

  2. which "owls" are you talking about di??? well i didn't want to be the one to point this out but....u guys were awake too :P ...you didn't realize this, did you??? :D
