Friday, December 28, 2012

We are so damned great!

Her intestines brutally squashed with an iron rod; her face horribly battered; her vital parts monstrously lambasted; her esteem irrevocably trampled; her faith inexorably abashed ...the only thing that the assailants could not touch was her WILL...her INNER STRENGTH! Hers is the spirit to salute! Hers is the courage that sanctions a great deal of pride to the ones whose pride is heartlessly devastated at the hands of the ones who are unpardonable.
We are a nation of great great that we are driven by libido and lust...not exactly sure of the order though! 
We are so great that we exhibit extreme tolerance against all kinds of godawful crimes ---> be it rape, sodomy, paedophilia or numerous other kinds ----> thus, giving our treasured attackers ample opportunity to satiate their whims and fancies whenever and wherever they wish....notwithstanding the thrill of crushing an innocent in a moving vehicle...where the velocity of movements is compounded by the velocity of the, this is some trip!

We are a land of great saints and thus we reflect every known entity's greatness in our disposition ----> we are not moved by any amount of atrocity thrown across our face; we are not affected by the lowliest grade of wrongdoing hurled against our chest -- we practice forgiveness -- to one and all!! We are categorically so damned great!
Even as we see a bunch of miscreants rip us off our honour, we hail the eunuchs governing the system, we hail the law protecting the criminals...why yes! Because... such is our law that:
If a juvenile commits ANY crime (even if it is rape or murder or any other despicable act) he can be awarded, at the most, 3 years of imprisonment (yes! that's the MAXIMUM punishment for a delinquent according to the Juvenile Justice Act)! And, if the juvenile turns 18, he is set free...irrespective of the sentence awarded. That means, if a juvenile is 17 when he commits any barbaric act, the maximum punishment, for him, in our great nation, is 3 years... but the 17 yr old will turn 18 the very next even though, his maximum punishment was 3 years, he actually serves for 1 year or even less and is then set free as soon as he turns 18!
If an adult surfeits his sex drive by pouncing and raping, the maximum sentence he is awarded is 10 years....and then set free. Yes! such is our law... how very convincing! How very right! How very just!
In the governance that protects us, the word "just" holds absolutely NO MEANING in the purview of "Justice"! No doubt, we are absolutely safe! We are totally confident of the impotent system which renders human value completely insignificant! Why should it do anything otherwise? Because, we are reigned by years of sexism left in the legacy for us to follow to the core! We are commendably an entire mass of invalid gatekeepers who cherish our baseless + illogical discriminatory views conceived at yore!
Young India dreams of a domain which is unbiased, pertinent, impervious to crimes (..of all sorts), fair, intelligent (we absolutely abhor the senseless, uncouth, third-class gibberish blurted by the authorities in power) and livable. We crave for a certain standard of living free from the fear of an entire nation being raped off its pride....raped by the ones who control the system, raped by the ones who follow the dictates and mercilessly raped by the ones who govern it! 
We are tired of confronting the continuous moral, physical and emotional assault since eons. The bruised sufferers (alive or otherwise) await justice. The entire lot is yearning for an able and robust system. All long for a fitting law against such appalling crimes.
We are searching our pride, long gashed and lost....


  1. I dont think the ask of the moment is to make more stringent laws with harsher punishments. But, these incidents demand that we introspect, individually as well as a society, why is this happeninig?
    Do we always stand up against any injustice or unlawful happening in our presence or knowledge? Do we only get disturbed if the crime is committed against us or our near and dear ones? Is a graphc portrayal in Media the only other way to rouse our conscience?

  2. Introspecting is the most important thing, indeed! Both individually and collectively, no doubt! But it is practically impossible to achieve a through and through success here. I hold...people who are conscious enough of digging into their conscience have lesser probability of becoming a nuisance. However, in reality, there are many out there who have no regards whatsoever for sentiments and human is for them that the pain of many (victims of all kinds) warrant a severe punishment in place. This, would act as a deterrent for such crimes..and many lives could be saved. Nothing works in isolation, ofcourse! No matter whether rigorous laws are introduced in the judicial system, and no matter how effective policing and governance are, if we have failed to inculcate in our home (which is under our jurisdiction) this basic thing of respecting other beings, respecting others' sentiments, we have miserably failed , no doubt! Having said this, I totally support the fact that fitting punishments need to be in place for proper functioning of the entire system.
